The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society is published twice a year by the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School, Dr. Marvin Schick, President. The Rabbi Jacob Joseph School, located at 3495 Richmond Road, Staten Island, New York 10306, welcomes comments on previous issues and suggestions for future issues.
It is the purpose of this Journal to study the major questions facing us as Jews in the twenty-first century, through the prism of Torah values. We will explore the relevant biblical and talmudic passages and survey the halachic literature including the most recent responsa. The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society does not in any way seek to present itself as the halachic authority on any question, but hopes rather to inform the Jewish public of the positions taken by rabbinic leaders over the generations.
Manuscripts which are submitted for consideration must be typed, double-spaced on one side of the page, and sent in duplicate to the Editor, Rabbi Alfred Cohen, 5 Fox Lane, Spring Valley, New York, 10977. Each article will be reviewed by competent halachic authority. In view of the particular nature of the Journal, we are especially interested in articles which concern halachic practices of American Jewish Life.
The cost of a subscription is $16 for one year, or $22 for two years to a United States address, $28 for two years to an address in Canada, and $32 years for two years to an overseas address. All subscriptions must be paid in advance in U.S. dollars.
To subscribe or to request other information, please contact, Rabbi Jacob Joseph School, 350 Broadway, New York, NY 10013.